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Ecotone Telemetry Logger ALLE-300 GPS-UHF

Kod produktu: ALLE-300 Seria: SRD


Ecotone Telemetry
Cechy produktu:
* Przeznaczony do tropienia ptaków o masie ciała od 300g
* Przykładowe gatunki: małe mewy, sowy
* Bateria: wystarcza na ~3000 pozycji GPS
* Komunikacja za pośrednictwem obsługiwanej ręcznie stacji bazowej UHF lub zainstalowanej na miejscu w celu automatycznego pobierania danych i zmiany ustawień nadajników
* Wersja odporna na ciśnienie dla głęboko nurkujących ptaków i żółwi
* Wymiary: 35x17x12 mm
* Waga: 10 g

ALLE-300 - GPS-UHF telemetry logger designed for tracking animals (birds, bats, reptiles) during the breeding season that regularly return to their nests, burrows etc.

Examples of use on: small gulls, owls.
35 x17x12 mm
Numbers of GPS possitions without battery charging:  ~3000
Weight: 10g




Available options:  




  •  Harness loops




Weight: + ~0.1g


  • Grooves for feather shafts


Weight: + ~0.2g


  • TDR (temper ature & depth)



Weight: + ~0.2g




GPS-UHF SRD trackers 


The smallest and the lightest GPS trackers from our offer. Designed for tracking animals which regularly return to their nests, burrows etc. during the breeding season. Programming and data access are possible via UHF link - there is no need to recapture animals. All-year-round tracking of migrants is also possible, but with data download after their return in the base station range. 


Key features: 

  • Data access & programming via UHF link; 
  • GPS intervals: user programmable, from 1 to 240 minutes; 
  • GPS controlled by the operating-hours schedule, light sensor or diving sensor; 
  • Delayed start: 24, 48 hours or until first diving; 
  • Recorded with GPS position: speed, GPS altitude, battery voltage, operating parameters, diving duration with time stamp of each event; diving depth (pressure) & temperature (only versions with a depth sensor);
  • GPS-UHF SRD (short range download) link range in the line of sight: ground-to-ground >100m, ground-to-air or air-to-ground >500m; 
  • Diving sensor (wet/dry); 
  • Base station (hand operated or field installed) for automatic data download and settings change; 
  • Long-life rechargeable battery & charging pins; 
  • Highly efficient solar charger, works well also in a low light conditions; 
  • Memory capacity: 130.000 GPS positions. 



  • Hydrostatic pressure & temperature sensor (TDR), 0-30 bar (~300m depth), resolution 2.5 mbar (2.6 cm), absolute value accuracy 50 mbar; 
  • Barometric pressure & temperature sensor (Altimeter), resolution 0.05 hPa (~0.5m), absolute value accuracy 0.2 hPa (~2m);
  • Light sensor - daytime detection;
  • Customized attaching points for harness, gluing or taping to the feathers and more; 
  • Wet/dry diving detection sensor and diving duration logger;
  • Pressure-proof version for deep-diving birds or turtles;



  • “No GPS signal" - detects no GPS signal and switches off logger in a den, etc.; 
  • Diving duration logger, records each diving event with timestamps; 
  • “Stops in the base range" - UHF base station signal can terminate the GPS data collection to protect battery in a burrow, den or when animal is in the nest;
  • UHF digital telemetry. It has ~50% bigger range than UHF communication link. Enables easier animal locating and getting close enough to download the data. This feature is not dedicated for directional tracking as in case of the VHF;


Key features: 

  • GPS intervals: from 1 minute to 24 hours or 1s to 30s in bursts;
  • GPS controlled by: duty-hours schedule, light sensor or immersion sensor;
  • Long-life rechargeable battery;
  • Highly efficient solar charger, works as well in a low light conditions;


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