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Kowa Adapter do aparatów Asaihi Pentax K-mount (Bayonet)

Kod produktu: TSN-CM2-K


Kowa Adapter do aparatów Asaihi Pentax K-mount (Bayonet)
Cechy produktu:
Kolor: Czarny
Solidna konstrukcja
Gwintowanie umożliwiające podłączenie dowolnego sprzętu
Wskaźnik (czerwona kropka) do zrównania z nim wskażnika obiektywu aparatu
Łatwe mocowanie do aparatu
105,01 zł / 85,37 zł
brutto / netto


Ultratelephoto photography is easily achieved with your telescope by purchasing this T-mount adapter, along with the SLR camera adapter which works with your telescope. You'll need to take precautions to minimize vibrations, such as locking up the mirror if possible as well as using a cable release or remote control to fire the shutter.

First, remove the eyepiece. Next, attach the SLR camera adapter where the eyepiece would normally be attached to the telescope, and screw in this t-mount adapter to the opposite end of the SLR camera adapter. Now you can attach your camera to the t-mount and you are ready to begin taking pictures!

Kowa TSN-CM2-K Pentax K (bayonet mount) Camera Mount


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